Dairy Goats in Lincoln Nebraska

Fresh Raw Goat Milk in jars in the fridge
Raw Goat Milk

Read up on our Goat Milk Herdshare, or contact us below to inquire about any milk available for a stand-alone purchase.

Cairo colors
For Sale

Each year, we determine which goats to retain and which are for sale.  Check out our Goats For Sale to see if there’s a match for you!

Nigerian Dwarf buck lease service Lincoln NE
Buck Lease

Want baby goats and/or milk from your does but don’t want or need a buck of your own?  Learn more about our Buck Lease Service.

Why we love our Dairy Goats

We love all the fun, social and playful personalities of goats.  They love spending their days climbing, playing, and resting but they especially love it when we visit them and spend time with them.

Plus it’s just an added bonus that Dairy goats not only give you more baby goats – but also delicous and nutritious raw goats milk!

Learn More About our Dairy Breeds

Izzy Registered Nigerian Dwarf Doe

Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Registered LaMancha doe

LaMancha Goats

Honey and Maple mini manchas looking ahead

Mini Mancha Goats


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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you disbud your goats?

The short answer is, no.

We choose not to disbud or dehorn our kids for several reasons, mostly because we believe they are better off having their horns to protect from predators, as well as the fact that their horns help regulate their temperatures (keeping them warm when it's cold, and keeping them cool when it's hot).

We've also found that 4 out of 5 disbudded goats have issues with scurs for the rest of their lives.

Scurs are small horn re-growths that develop after a kid goat has been disbudded. Frequently, this is a result of the dehorning iron not being hot enough or not left on long enough at the time of dehorning. It may also be due to not waiting long enough between kids (to allow the iron to reheat). Sometimes scurs can occur even if a good job of disbudding is done.

So to us, it would be a disservice to the goats to disbud them.

However, you will see that many of our goats that we've received from other breeders were already disbudded or dehorned before we got them.  So we do understand that many other breeders and goat owners love the convenience of goats without horns.

With that being said, we do not disbud any goat kids that are born at our farm.

If you require your goat kids to be disbudded, then unfortunately our goats will not be a good fit for you.

Do you bottle feed your baby goats?

In an ideal world, we would never have to bottle feed our babies.

We do everything we can to ensure that our does are healthy enough to nurse all their babies, but unfortunately there are times that it simply doesn't work that way.

In one instance, a doe had quads and was only able to support 3 kids and rejected one so that was a bottle baby.

In another instance, one doe was extremely stressed during her first kidding and ended up rejecting her kid so that became a bottle baby as well.

Again, in a perfect world, we would not have any bottle babies!  But in the real world, we do what we can with what we have, and always end up loving those kids because of the extra special time we get to spend with them.

Will goats get along with my dogs?

As far as dogs, that's a tough question because it really is based on the dog.

As a farm, we personally choose not to have any dogs because we've found that the goats get very stressed with even a very calm small dog since they're not raised around them.

But we have a neighbor with goats who has a very active dog, so we know it's possible.

Just really depends on your dog(s) and making sure they are trained properly to not harass or chase your goats, in order to prevent injury to your goats and/or to your dog from the goat protecting itself.

Are your male baby goats fixed?

After any bucks have been reserved for new farms, and also deciding which other bucks will stay intact for each season, we do band/castrate most other males into wethers at around the 3-4 week mark.

By the time the little ones leave the farm, we can ensure there were no complications with banding and the new owner (possibly you!) does not have to deal with said complications and you can just enjoy your happy, healthy, bouncing baby goat(s)!

Can I only buy one goat?
Since goats are herd animals they need another goat as company to thrive and be healthy.  Because of that, we do not sell a single goat to a home without another goat and typically sell our goats in pairs (unless they are to homes that already contain goats).
How do you keep goats from escaping their pens?

Before we got our first goats (while we were still in "research mode"), we realized that one of the main issues goat owners had was keeping the goats secured in their pens.  So we decided that it would be worth it to set up our pens as securely as possible right from the start, and since then, we haven't had any escapees!**

Some practices we've established:

  1. Panels no larger than 4x4 squares
  2. We also strongly suggest to reinforce any kidding pens with 2x4 wire panels to prevent those tiny tots from walking through a 4x4 into a different momma's pen and being rejected from its true dam
  3. If needed (if your goats rush you when entering their pen with food, treats, etc), it is also strongly suggested to add a separate panel that you attach to a corner of your pen enclosing the entrance gate, so that you can successfully enter the pen (into a smaller triangle) and able to shut the gate to outside of the pen, before opening the additional panel and then the goats can bum rush you there (since you're securely in the pen with no open gate).

One very helpful resource for us was this post on fencing for mini goats.

Do goats stick their heads through fences?

In one word: YES.

Goats will stick their heads through anything.

However, it's one thing when a baby goat sticks its head through a fence that it can easily pull it back out of, and it's something else completely when that rascal is unable to pull it out entirely.

It's especially tricky with goat kids while they're growing (along with their horns), in addition to them being super ornery and curious.

One way that we've been able to combat this particular tendency is by reinforcing our 4x4 fencing with 2x4 wires - at least for any pens that goat kids have access to, in addition to building custom hay feeders with 2x4 panels that baby goats can't stick their heads through.

Otherwise, you'll be unpleasantly surprised when you've got to choose to cut your fencing apart in order to get a cute littlehead loose.


What do you feed your goats?

We grow our own hay at Penner Mini Farms.  It's a mixture of grass hay and legumes and our goats actually love it!  Our home grown hay is actually all that we feed all of our males (bucks and wethers) for their entire life, at least after they've been weaned

Mama's + Kids

While lactating and throughout nursing/milking, our does and kids are supplemented with whole oats, alfalfa hay, alfalfa pellets, and occasionally grain in order to increase their protein/calcium intake during this time.

What type of feeders are best for mini goats?

Great question!

This is something we struggled with in the beginning since we started with minis.

Unfortunately, most of the hay feeder options we found were much too big for grown miniature goats, and virtually impossible for baby goats!

We ended up getting some plans to build a hay feeder and customized them to better suit our nigerian dwarf goats and kids.

On occasion, we do make and sell hay feeders for miniature goats so if you're interested, be sure to reach out at the bottom of this page for more info!

Do you name any of your goats?


We love our goats, and every time we get a new baby goat or even if we pick up a goat from a fellow farmer - we ALWAYS give them a name because they are now part of Penner Mini Farms!

Jeffrey and I both know every single goat by name, and we're pretty sure after a little while they learn their names as well 🥰

How do I reserve some baby goats?

Reach out via the contact form below!

Goats cannot be reserved until all the kids are on the ground, and we've had reasonable time to determine if any will be retained.

A $100 deposit per goat is required to reserve (cash, check or Venmo) and the remaining balance is due at pickup (cash only).

Still have questions?

Please reach out on the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

Dairy Goat Contact Form
(City, State)